To Whom it May Concern,
September 2002

We have enjoyed working with Scott Steingraber and his firm Ace Computer Services in both a technical and business capacity for over 4 years. We have found his general computer knowledge and experience far exceeds the norm of most Computer consulting developers and service providers. His knowledge of internet development, coupled with both his hardware and programming knowledge in the cutting edge GUI languages of today has made him a valuable resource for our firm.

I have personally visited him at his ACE headquarters and was amazed at the technical reference material he has amassed, and even more amazed at the amount of that material he has mastered. He has assembled a very sophisticated development lab using some tools that most people have only read about. I have seen many of the web projects ACE has developed or been a part of the development process, and the best way to describe his work is WOW! Excellent through and through. Ace collaborates and works well with other vendors, with existing staff and their users, and I can personally attest to the fact that once Scott and his troops get themselves into a project they live it.

Most importantly he is capable of doing the front end, the middleware, or the backend systems applications in a full project life cycle mode for most projects. While web development using the latest and greatest tools has been their market niche recently Ace has experience working with client server applications and even more mundane computer applications. Should one require more specific information I would be happy to supply it. Please feel free to call on me. Suffice it to say I highly recommend Ace, Scott and his staff and collaborators. My best wishes to Scott and Ace for continued success.



William E. Mellor
CRT, Inc
Fox Lake, IL
847-587-9510  X13
Email me at: